Time to ride!

Gymkhana is a series of events consisting of speed pattern racing and timed games for riders on horses. We have a children's and adult's team at NEA that boasts many ribbons and trophies at local events!
Use this page to keep up with team participation guidelines and fees.
Gymkhana Team
2022-2023 - Borrowed Horse
$195/monthly - Purchase Subscription under Lesson Packages
Membership Includes:
Weekly Gymkhana practice
Hauling* and hay on show days
Usage fee for borrowed horse
Membership Does Not Include:
Show day coaching ($20 cash paid to coach at the first practice of each month)
Required weekly additional horseback riding lesson
Hay net/water bucket on show days
Show Day fees
CGA Membership
Gymkhana Team
2022-2023 - Owned/Leased Horse
$150/monthly - Purchase Subscription under Lesson Packages.
Membership Includes:
Weekly Gymkhana practice
Hauling* and hay on show days
Membership Does Not Include:
Show day coaching ($20 cash paid to coach at first practice of each month)
Required weekly additional horseback riding lesson
Hay net/water bucket on show days
Show Day fees
CGA Membership

Participants may join the Gymkhana team at NEA upon coach approval.
Our teams compete at two local Gymkhana clubs (Modjeska Mavericks and Norco Ranglers) that are part of the California Gymkhana Association (CGA) and host shows once a month (usually at the George Ingalls Arena in Norco). We also attend multi-day events put on by affiliate clubs (IE Vspurs in Temecula).
Additional Information:
Clothing and gear requirements: The CGA handbook requires all riders to wear jeans with western boots and a tucked in, button down shirt. Shirts can be sleeveless, short, or long-sleeved (long sleeves cannot be rolled up). All riders under 18 must wear a helmet and riders over 18 must wear a helmet or western hat.
You are not required to have your own horse tack (you can use the school's) but it is highly encouraged. Part of the fun of Gymkhana is your horse's show tack! You must purchase a hay net, water bucket, bell boots, and splint boots for your horse by the beginning of the season.
Gymkhana - Owned
150$Every monthMonthly Team Membership 2022-2023 (Owned/Leased Horse)Valid for 11 months- Weekly Practices
- Hauling/Hay for Show Days
Gymkhana - Borrowed
195$Every monthMonthly Team Membership 2022-2023 (Borrowed Horse)Valid for 11 months- Weekly Practices
- Hauling/Hay for Show Days
- Horse Usage on Show Days
4 Intermediate Lessons
130$ÂIntermediate Group LessonsÂ- Intermediate Lesson
Gymkhana - FAMILY
100$Every monthMonthly Team 2022-2023 (Owned/Leased Horse - Fam. Discount)Valid for 11 months- DISCOUNT ONLY APPLIED TO THE 2ND FAMILY MEMBER
- Can only be purchased after family purchases 1 full price.
Gym. - Family/Borrow
145$Every monthMonthly Team 2022-2023 (Borrowed Horse - Fam. Discount)Valid for 11 months- DISCOUNT ONLY APPLIED TO THE 2ND FAMILY MEMBER
- Can only be purchased after family purchases 1 full price.
8 Intermediate Lessons
250$ÂIntermediate Group LessonsÂ- Intermediate Lesson